The captain of all pleasures


The captain of all pleasures is a historical romance taking place in England in the 1860. 

Raised as a free spirit aboard her American sea captain father's majestic clipper ship, willful Nicole Lassiter has never encountered an obstacle she couldn't overcome—until she meets Captain Derek Sutherland. His sizzling kisses leave her longing, but after they share a night of passion, his subsequent disdain makes her blood boil. Nicole vows to take her revenge by helping her father beat Sutherland in a high-stakes competition: the Great Circle Race from England to Australia.

Nicole's scheme is thrown overboard after her father is wrongly imprisoned, yet she remains undaunted, taking to the high seas with her father's ship. But a storm wrecks her plans, and she finds herself a virtual prisoner aboard Sutherland's vessel. And while her mind tells her she should escape, her body urges her to surrender...

My review

While I liked this book, I thought it was a bit long. Some chapters could have been reduced in content or even deleted altogether. The first intrigue was obivous and didn't have any twists. I would have liked the person who sabotaged both of their ship to be a different person or to get to know more about that person. For the romance aspect, the forbidden aspect is always one of my favorite. In this book, Derek and Nicole's father are rivals, because they both own shipping compagnies. They also have always butted heads and never liked each other. The second intrigue came out of nowhere and I really enjoyed this one. I don't want to spoil it, so I won't comment more on it, but it wasn't part of who sabotaged the ships. I overall liked this book and I would rate it 8/10. I recommend it for a light read!


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