
Lightlark is the most talked about book on tiktok right now. It's a YA fantasy novel.

Welcome to the Centennial.
Every 100 years, the island of Lightlark appears to host the Centennial, a deadly game that only the rulers of six realms are invited to play. The invitation is a summons—a call to embrace victory and ruin, baubles and blood. The Centennial offers the six rulers one final chance to break the curses that have plagued their realms for centuries. Each ruler has something to hide. Each realm’s curse is uniquely wicked. To destroy the multiple curses, one ruler must die.  

Isla Crown is the young ruler of Wildling—a realm of temptresses cursed to kill anyone they fall in love with. They are feared and despised, and are counting on Isla to end their suffering by succeeding at the Centennial.
To survive, Isla must lie, cheat, and betray…even as love complicates everything.

My review

If you own Tiktok and have book recommandations on your feed, you probably have seen the author promote her book with some quotes or you have seen the reviews that accuse her of scamming people, by promoting quotes or situation that aren't even in the book. I saw all that and I decided to make up my own mind. I have to say, I must agree that it isn't the best book. She took easy ways out in situation that could have made the intrigue or the plot more interesting. The plot is that a ruler must die each 100 years to break the curse, but the author kept finding ways to make the killing harder than it needed to be.  The romance aspect was alright, but I didn't love the heroine, because the author makes it a point to repeat how perfect she is. I couldn't relate to her and the fact the the love interests were 500 years old made it a bit weird for me. I'd give this book a 6/10. If you want to read it because you're curious, I would give it a go! 


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